Ufone has a special offer of free Facebook and messenger for its users. Users can subscribe to the offer by dialing codes 2021. I am sharing here the latest free facebook codes for ufone customers.
Ufone SIM codes and all basic codes
Ufone free facebook offer 2021
If you are using Ufone network and your data is on, just open facebook app and login to your account. When you open facebook app and then you can choose whether you want to use facebook free or with data charges or using free MBs you have.

As you can see in the above picture. When you open the Facebook app on ufone data, it will ask you whether to use free or not.
So, if you choose "continue" then there will be no data usage from your MB qouta or if you are not subscribed to any internet package, then you balance will not be used and you will enjoy Facebook free.
Ufone free facebook monthly code 201
Ufone offers free facbook packages on monthly and weekly basis and even for ever. Ufone may keep this offer for as long as it wants. All we can do is to ejoy free facebook as much as we can.
Ufone Free Facebook messenger 201
Facebook Messenger app automatically runs free on Ufone. You will not have to subscribe to any package. You don't need to dial any subscription code.
Ufone Free offer code *7649#
- This offer is available for all prepaid and post-paid users.
- External links to third party websites may charge data. But if you search in bing and open wikipedia pages then no charges will occur.
- Free facebook can be used on both browser and facebook app
- Facebook messenger app runs absolutely free